Frogs of Mount Kinabalu

Mount Kinabalu (4095m) is the highest mountain of the Malay Archipelago and a well known tourist attraction . The ascent is a 2 day/1 night ordeal and by no means an easy trek. The thoughest part is the gruelling descent, a true torture to the knees! After paying admission fees, overnight stays, guide fees, park fees, etc… You will have heavily contributed to the Malay economy. It’s expensive, really expensive.

frogs Mt Kinabalu (3 of 8)

As I wanted to spare my knees, save money and avoid crowdy mountains all in one go, I decided to explore the Kinabalu national park.

I stayed in Lupa Masa jungle camp for 5 days and loved every minute of it.

I was completely overwhelmed by the abundance and diversity of flora & fauna in Sabah, the northern part of  Malaysian  Borneo.  The people of  Sabah are known for their good humour and friendly nature. I went on nighthikes and early morning bird watching adventures.

frogs Mt Kinabalu (2 of 8)

It was on these many nightwalks that I got the chance to take these pictures. Most species I managed to identify, I am by no means an expert, so let us know if you know something we don’t.

I imagine this park being a herpetologist’ wet dream…

frogs Mt Kinabalu bis (1 of 1)

River Toad (Bufo asper Gravenhorst)

frogs Mt Kinabalu (8 of 8)

MontaneTorrent Frog (Meristogenys kinabaluensis Inger)

frogs Mt Kinabalu (6 of 8)

Borneo Horned Frog (Megophrys nasuta)

frogs Mt Kinabalu (7 of 8)

Lowland Litter Frog (Leptobrachium abbotti)

frogs Mt Kinabalu (5 of 8)

Dring’s Slender Litter Frog (Leptolalax dringi)

In the jungle, we travel light, all these pictures were made with Canon’s G15…355 grams of pure quality.


Many thanks to Jason Luke for his help on identifying the litter frogs!

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